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I'm Turning 40 Tomorrow! Saying Goodbye to My Baby-Making Era

personal podcast weaning it Jun 06, 2024

I don't know about you, but...

I feel like I'm aging like a fine wine. Each decade so far has built on and improved on the last, which is why I am actually so excited to enter my 40s (and would never go back to my 20s).

June 7th is a big day around here. It's my older's last day of 2nd grade. It's my 40th birthday. And 8 years ago, it was also my due date. Yep! I was supposed to share a birthday with my baby girl, but she was cozy and stayed put another 2 weeks.

That was in 2016.

In 2019, I officially entered the club no mom is really happy about hearing: the geriatric pregnancy club.


My 30s were almost completely dedicated to pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. But an even bigger part that will continue on into my next decade is my internalization of what motherhood means to me.

I'll be honest, I wasn't prepared for how much I would sacrifice for my kids. Be it my body, my sleep, or my career, a lot of the last 8 years has tested me in what really matters most to me, what our values are that we want to instill in our kids, and if I'm being real, simply surviving.

That said, each year has brought more clarity, more joy, and a deeper sense of settling into my love of motherhood.

I dive into this deeper in the latest Weaning It podcast episode, where I outline my 5 biggest takeaways of my baby making era.

It's a little different than usual, but I hope it allows you to reflect on your own journey, as well as get to know me a little more.

Do you have a big birthday coming up? I'd love to hear about it!

Listen to this episode on Spotify.

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