Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or simply enjoy a reason to gather with friends, December is often packed with holiday events...
... and are you even a toddler mom if you don't do the crafts, go to shows, try to find some snow, make cookies, etc., etc.
If you're like me when my kids were younger, I felt this huge pressure to start the traditions that would make their childhoods magical.
But the thing is, a lot of those fun things can actually add a lot of stress on your young child, who may just be figuring out this whole holiday thing...
... and that stress can cause regressions in their nursing.
Things that cause nursing regressions:
- Missed naps/late bedtimes
- New, unfamiliar people (Santa, out of town relatives)
- Loud, bright settings that cause overstimulation
- A change in their regular routine (i.e., winter break)
- Too many new toys all at once
So, if you find that your child is asking for milk more often over the next few weeks, it's totally understandable! And whether you decide to give in is up to you.
On the Pod
In this week's solo episode of Weaning It, I dive deeper into this discussion.
- I dive deeper into additional holiday stressors that can impact their milk demands, as well as 3 tips to help the situation
- I answer the Q&A of the day: How much milk is too much??
- Share my wins & whines of the week
You can listen to the episode now on Apple - HERE
And on Spotify - HERE
What are your child's biggest holiday stressors so far? And how are you handling them? Comment below!
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