August 1st kicks off World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month!
In this episode, Erin discusses:
- The themes of each
- Why advocacy matters
- Her own experience re-entering the workforce (it wasn't great)
- What she did to make it better for those who came after her
- Why making even small changes for those who come after us can be a big deal!
Q&A of the day from Janine: "Do you think I can still nurse my child to sleep at night but then still cut out night nursing? I don't want to confuse her, but I'd love if I could nurse her to sleep still."
Wins & Whines of the week: Gluten free bread, cool weather, the Olympics becoming more breastfeeding friendly, and her dirty garage.
Episode Links:
- Listen to the episode in its entirety HERE!
- Find Erin on Instagram - say hello!
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